Navneet Foundation

Navneet Chaas Kendra

Navneet Chaas Kendra

Navneet’s story of social sensitivity begins with one of our earliest and most impactful initiatives: the Navneet Chaas (Buttermilk) Kendra in their ancestral village of Kutch. In this arid region with challenges of drought and famine, local food often lacks essential nutrients, resulting in widespread vitamin deficiencies among the villagers. Recognising the community’s struggles, the Navneet Chaas Kendra was established nearly 40 years ago to address these challenges.

The Kendra provided daily free distribution of 800 to 1,000 litres of nutrient-fortified buttermilk to villagers, weary travellers, and neighbours. This included about 400 families of daily wage earners and labourers receiving 3 to 4 litres each. Without cattle to produce milk, purchasing buttermilk was not an option for these families. The “Chaas” distribution would start at dawn, allowing workers to pack it for their lunch. A meticulous record was kept of every family member benefiting from this initiative.

For over 38 years, approximately 1,500 people benefited daily from this generous effort, significantly improving the health and well-being of the local population and addressing a vital portion of their nutritional needs.

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